Facebook is Dangerous

I’ve been tinfoil-hat mode about Facebook since I worked with their API back around 2014. Back then, a 3rd-party developer could get access to your entire list of friends when you added their app (things like Mafia Wars), and they didn’t even need any further permissions. I haven’t confirmed it myself, but I had once […]

Shell (Bash) Aliases Are Awesome

Linux shells allow you to create aliases for commands – a word you type to run another command or set of commands. You may have already encountered aliases, since most flavors come with a few variations of “ls” already created, so if you have ever typed “ll” and gotten the same output as “ls -alF”, […]

The Myths of SEO

Saying “I know SEO” is disingenuous. The only people who “know SEO” are the engineers who write the ever-changing search engine algorithms that determine which sites have “good SEO” and which sites don’t. Yet, we have so many self-proclaimed SEO experts offering their services. How did we get to this point? In the past, it […]

WordPress Was Hijacked!

So, I opened up endlick.com and hoped to see some new content – ignoring the fact that I’m the only one who posts here and I sure as hell haven’t been vigilant about it – and saw some ad for insurance. endlick.com is a site where I post shitty content about computer issues and baudy […]

Start Command Prompt in Another Drive’s Folder on Windows 7

Create a shortcut to cmd.exe by opening your start menu, and typing “cmd” into the search bar. Right click on either “cmd.exe” or “cmd.exe (admin)”, and open the properties of the shortcut. On the “Shortcut” tab, edit the Target; C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k “e: & cd e:\Vagrant” In this case, I want to start the command prompt […]

Install Zabbix on an AWS Instance with Amazon Linux

Amazon Linux is cheaper than the other Linux flavors available in AWS, but the package manager is missing a few things – namely Zabbix. Let’s install Zabbix! UPDATE: Oh, but hold the phone! I went about this entirely the wrong way! As Tag mentions in the comments below, there is a much better way to do […]


“OK, so which levels does this occur on?” “1,2, and 4.” “Not 3?” “Not 3.” “And this only happens on mobile?” “Yes, but only some mobile devices” Well shit. Every level of the maze uses the same logic. They are all checking collisions based on whether or not the player’s “pawn” came in contact with […]

Yum Commands Always Result in “Killed”

Here’s some background; I have a VPS that was giving a “Killed” message before any Yum command could finish Some sample output is below Loaded plugins: fastestmirror Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * base: mirror.atlanticmetro.net * epel: mirrors.mit.edu * extras: mirror.atlanticmetro.net * updates: mirror.atlanticmetro.net debug                                                    | 2.5 kB     00:00 debug/primary_db                                         | 1.2 MB     00:00 […]

All Japanese Characters Become Periods in Linux When Using Putty

Excuse the misleading title. I am trying to reap that sweet sweet SEO. This actually applies to any UTF8 character entered into Putty, and it is a Putty setting, not a Linux setting. Pretty much everything that accepts input and built within the past several years will already use UTF8, so that isn’t the issue. […]

Intel(r) PineView PCI Accelerated SVGA BIOS Error When Installing Linux From a USB Thumbdrive

So, you have yourself a netbook or some equally underpowered laptop with an Intel Atom processor, and you are finding your computer getting stuck with a message reading like Intel(r) PineView PCI Accelerated SVGA BIOSBuild Number:1818 PC 14.34 06/19/2009 01:29:40DECOMPILATION OR DISASSEMBLY PROHIBITEDCopyright (C) 2000-2003 Intel Corp. All Rights Reserved.“ when trying to install Linux. […]